
We are in the process of making subtitles available for each of our videos. This is designed to help those with hearing difficulties and also provides a written record of place and personal names which may be unfamiliar to some of our viewers.

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A brief history of landownership in Scotland.

This film looks at some of the key events in the evolution of landownership in Scotland from the earliest times, to today’s land reform agenda.

How was land controlled in Scotland’s early communities? How did the Roman presence and the development of early states like Pictland, Dalriata and Alba affect control of the land? What was the impact of feudalism and what were the effects of the highland clearances?

The film provides a personal perspective on how Scotland’s land should be owned and controlled viewed through the lens of history.

This video is an investigation into what is known about the recumbent stone circles, a variation of the stone circle unique to the North East of Scotland.  We try to find out the latest thinking on their construction and look at some of the myths surrounding them. 

We have made three films on the Picts.

History and Heritage provides a general overview of current thinking on the development of the Pictish kingdom between the 5th and 9th centuries.  The film gives a wider context for understanding our two films on the Pictish symbol stones.

Symbols and Signs is the first of our films on the symbol stones.  It focuses on the different interpretations of the symbols.

Symbols and Statements is the second film on the meaning of the symbol stones.  The film focuses on the attempts to translate the symbol code using the Ogham and Latin inscriptions on some of the stones.

We have made two films that that reflect this subject.

We look at the history behind three of Aberdeen's well known statues.

To view all our videos on our YouTube channel click here.